Week 13 Review


This is a great video because it can change peoples's perspective on gratitude.  One particular thing that stood out in this video is how he talked about the sky and the weather.  More recently, I've really grown to appreciate how pretty sunsets are, especially when the light is reflecting off the clouds and turning them different colors.  One time the thought occurred to me (and maybe I'm not the only one) that we're never going to see the same "design" in the sky more than once.  That made me really appreciate each pretty sky I happen to take notice of when I'm outside or in my car driving somewhere.

I also chose the following graphic because this is something I could use every now and then.  Sometimes, we try not to hope for things because we let the fear of being disappointed by or "colliding with reality" discourage us.  But to quit hoping is a much scarier thought to me.


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