Week 11 Story: The Pretty Pack

Tori was the most popular 6th grader at Blue Jay Elementary School.  And just like any popular girl, she had an exclusive group of four friends that followed her everywhere she went.  Around school, the five girls were known as the Pretty Pack.

One day, there was a new girl in their class, Ava.  Ava was by far the prettiest girl in school, and she had a bright personality that made others drawn to her.  Even Phoebe, Tori's second hand, was seen laughing and giggling with her one day.  And as Ava quickly started to gain popularity among her classmates, Tori became worried that Ava might steal her top spot on the 6th grade hierarchy.  So she decided to pretend to befriend Ava, and invited her into the Pretty Pack.  Always eager to make new friends, Ava happily accepted Tori's invitation.

However, once Ava was a part of their group, all Tori did was tease and make fun her, and so the rest of the Pretty Pack followed.  Tori would even make Ava carry her lunch tray to their spot in the cafeteria every day.  But Ava was so kind that she never complained or retaliated.

That is, until a few days later, when all the 6th graders were out at recess.  The Pretty Pack was trying to decide what game to play, when Ava suggested Hide and Go Seek.

"No," said Phoebe. "We don't usually play Hide and Go Seek because no one ever wants to be 'it'."

"Shut up Phoebe!" shouted Tori. "I make the decisions! And I decide, that Ava is going to be 'it'."  Just as Ava knew she would.

"That's fine," said Ava. "I'll count to..."

"You'll count one hundred. That'll give us plenty of time to find good hiding spots," said Tori.

As Ava started to count, the five friends ran and hid in the trees on the far side of the school, which is exactly where Ava expected them to hide.  She peaked just to make sure.  Once the Pretty Pack was out of side, Ava stopped counting and went to play with other people in her class until recess was over.

When the teacher blew the whistle for everyone to come inside, Tori and her friends were so far away that they didn't even hear it.  It wasn't until 10 minutes after recess had ended that they realized everyone had gone inside.  When they finally returned to class, their teacher immediately told them to go to the principal's office, where they received two week's worth of detention.  In addition to that, the principal called their parents, and all five girls were grounded.

From then on, Tori and the rest of the Pretty Pack knew never to underestimate Ava again, and they were nothing but sweet to her for the rest of the year.  Tori even offered to carry Ava's lunch tray for her a few times.

Author's Note: This is a retelling of the story "Bluejay and His Companions."  In the story, Bluejay and his four companions have another roommate, Grouse, whom Bluejay was always rude to.  Whenever Bluejay and his companions came back from seal hunting, they only gave Grouse the scraps of the seal to eat.  They reminded of a mean group of kids in school, which gave me the inspiration for my story.  Bluejay, of course, is portrayed by Tori, and although, in the original story, Bluejay is not the chief of his group, I thought it would make more sense for Tori to be the leader of hers.  In the original, Grouse makes a wooden seal which he uses to trick Bluejay and the others.  So when the five companions went seal-hunting, they harpooned the wooden seal and it dragged their canoe so far away from shore that they didn't know how to get back home.  Similarly, I had Ava, who is the Grouse of my story, play a trick on the Pretty Pack so that they get in trouble.  And, similar to the ending in my story, when Bluejay and his friends finally got back home, they always made sure, from then on, to give Grouse the biggest seal.

Bibliography: Bluejay and His Companions by Stith Thompson

Image Info: Friends


  1. Hello Brianna,
    I have to say I love your story! I thought of mean girls while reading it. It seems that you have to stand up for yourself and show your strength to be respected. Unlike boys who fight it out, girls use more devious methods. They go to greater extremes like Ava did in your story. I did not read the original story but I did enjoy yours.

  2. Hi Brianna! I really enjoyed this story. Like Dallas said, I also thought of Mean Girls when I read your story. I think the theme of that movie fits perfectly with your story and the story it was based on! It would've been especially cool to read some background about Ava, like why she wanted to be friends with these girls in the first place if she was so kind and they were so mean. Maybe they seemed kind from the outside, or maybe the idea of popularity was irresistible for Ava. I know that was a big thing for almost everyone in sixth grade! Awesome story, I really like the way you write.


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