Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I have been receiving very good and useful feedback from my classmates.  In almost all the comments, they've told me specifically what they liked about my stories and why they liked those things.  They've also provided very useful suggestions and "why" questions.

In the feedback I've been leaving for other people, I've been sure to list what in particular I liked about their stories and given some suggestions that I think could be helpful if they wanted to revise their stories.  I've also been getting some good ideas on how I could make my own writing better.  For example, one thing that I can improve on is being descriptive, so it helps to see stories that use really good imagery and details.

I definitely feel that I've gotten to know people by their introduction posts and the comments they leave on mine.  It's fun to see the common interests that you have with other people and to read about other things that their passionate about.

Looking forward, I think that I could say more in the comments I leave about how the things I like made me enjoy their story more.  I also think I could add a little more to my introduction that tells people more about my personality.

Imperfect. Source: Feedback Cats 

I chose this image because, if you're a perfectionist, like me, you try to make everything perfect as you go.  But when I let go of trying to make things perfect, I don't stress as mush and I can enjoy the process more, because everything's a learning process.


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