Week 11 Review

I picked this graphic because this is something that I've been trying to do more lately.  More specifically, I've been trying to pause before judging and assuming.  A good way to catch myself when I start assuming things in my head about someone based on something they said/did/wore/etc., is by thinking, "well, what if they thought that about me because I..."  You never know someone's full story.

I also watched the video We Need a Bigger Definition of Creativity.  I really liked this video because there is a lot of truth to it.  Sometimes I can get a little stuck in the mindset that "creative people" are people like writers or painters or dancers.  What creativity really is, at least my opinion, is the uniqueness or out-of-the-box-ness of someone's thoughts and ideas.  So, yes, like the video says, writers, painters, and dancers can be very creative people, but they're by far not the only creative people in the world.


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