Feedback Thoughts

I found the article "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head" very useful. I'm a wing 1 on the enneagram, so if you know about the enneagram, you know that means I can be super self-critical of myself. Like Rajeev, I can tend to focus way more on the negative feedback than the positive. I also have the tendency to minimize compliments. But something Sabina Nawaz wrote that I think could really help me improve this is to "turn a compliment into an opportunity to gather concrete examples" of how I'm effective, rather than gather lots of examples of what I did wrong. I can also work a lot on "believing the positive." Something that Nawaz wrote that I've also found works well is hearing the positive voices of close friends who I know always tell the truth and have my best interests at heart.

Source: Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head

I found the article "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt" especially helpful.  Two tips that really stood out to me were "1. Don't Compare Yourself to Others" and "5. Set Goals that are within your control."  Often times I try to set my goals around other people, and so I compare my progress and my abilities with their progress and abilities.  But like John Spencer wrote, when you start comparing yourself, "you start seeing others as competition rather than community."  This is one thing I feel has almost kept me from reaching out and building relationships with certain people.  And when I try to set goals to be "better than" or "the best of" other people, I set goals that are completely out of my control, and so inevitably I let myself down.  But like Spencer says, "when you let that go, you end up taking chances, reaching out to people, and doing something you love simply because you love it."

Source: Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt

Comparing yourself to others drawing.  Source: John Spencer


  1. Hi Brianna! It was interesting to read through some of your thoughts on these articles. I am also pretty self-critical, so this resonates with me as well. I've never taken the enneagram test, so I'm not really familiar with what your type on that means, but I think most of us struggle with at least some self-criticism, so ideas like these can be helpful to anyone. I wish you well as you work to emphasize the positive voice in your head! :)

  2. Hi Brianna! I really appreciated your thoughts on the articles you read. I, too, am guilty about really focusing on the negative feedback than the positive. I am also one to kind of minimize and ignore the positive compliments, however, I agree with you that it is so important to believe the positive! I also like the point you made about setting goals that are within your control because I know how it can be to be in that position. Thanks for sharing!


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