Disney World! - My Favorite Place
The first time I went to Disney World was when I was ten years old, and I loved every minute of it! I've been four times since then and the excitement I feel when I go never changes. Mount Everest is still by far one of my favorite rides, and, of course, no trip to Disney World is complete without going on Soarin'. Another thing I look forward to every time I go is going to the World Showcase at Epcot and eating in the the different countries. There's never a dull moment in Disney World and I can't wait for my sixth trip!
Photo of fireworks show over Cinderella Castle by Jorge Royan.
Disney World, Orlando 2010. Source: Wikipedia
I know that feeling, Brianna! A trip to Anaheim's original Disney park when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old left a HUGE impression on me: there I was singing along with "It's a Small World After All" ... and here I am 50 years later teaching World Mythology and Folklore: Disney as destiny! :-)